As part of completing this form, you will need the following information.
• Drivers License Number (If Applicable)
NZ Police Vetting Service and Consent Form
This form is for the collection of the required information for Launchpad and Lifewalk volunteers to enable a NZ Police check to be carried out.
It contains all the same information as the Manual Version of the form
A Guide for the Police Vetting Form
Kia Ora,
To help simplify the process of completing your Police Vetting form, please refer to the instructions below:
• Section 1 is included for your information & informed consent.
• Sections 2 & 3 need to be completed by you.
• Your Identity may need to be verified. You will have a separate email if this is required.
• Police Vetting must be completed every three years.
• Police Vets can take upto six weeks to be processed
• All documentation held by Launchpad and Lifewalk remains confidential.
• Once your current Police Vetting has expired, you cannot go into a school on behalf of Launchpad or Lifewalk until the police vet has been completed.
For further information, please see the Guide to Completing the Consent Form.
Persons name
First name
Last name
Email address
If no email address is entered here we are unable to communicate with you easily in regards to this Police Vetting request.
Contact phone
To get started, press Next.
Form Page Break #1
Vetting Service Request & Consent Form
Section 1: Approved Agency to complete
For more information please see the Guide to Completing the Consent Form
1.1 Name of agency submitting vetting request
The Churches Education Commission
1.2 Name of the person being vetted
1.3 Description of the role of the person being vetted
This is a brief description of the role (not the job title). This is used by Police to help decide what type of vet is conducted if it is unclear from the following questions.
1.4 Which groups will the person being vetted be working with (select all that apply):
Children/ Young People
Vulnerable Adults
1.5 Does the role involve caring for people in the home of the person being vetted?
This is about whether the person being vetted is providing services out of their own home (that is, are vulnerable children or adults visiting the home of the person being vetted for support).
1.6 Is the person being vetted:
A paid worker
A volunteer
Undertaking vocational or educational training
1.7 Is the person being vetted a Children’s Worker according to the Children’s Act 2014, section 23(1)?
If the person being vetted is not working with children/ young people (Q 1.4), tick ‘No’ then skip to question 1.11. If the person being vetted IS working with children (Q 1.4) AND is a volunteer (Q 1.6), tick ‘No’ then skip to question 1.9.
No (skip to question 1.9)
1.8 Is the role of the person being vetted a core or non-core worker role according to the Children’s Act 2014, section 23(1)?
Core worker
Non-core worker
1.9 Has the person being vetted previously been Police vetted by your agency?
No (skip to question 1.11)
1.10 Is the person being vetted still working in the role for which your agency last obtained a Police vet?
If this request is a renewal of the person’s previous vet for this role, please select Yes. Otherwise, answer no.
No – the person being vetted is applying for a new role or position
1.11 What is the job title of the person being vetted?
1.12 Evidence of identity (to be completed by agency representative or identity referee)
See consent form guide for details on how to complete this section
A primary ID has been sighted (mandatory)
A secondary ID has been sighted (mandatory)
One form of ID is photographic (mandatory)
Evidence of name change has been sighted (if applicable)
In making this request, I confirm that:
• I have complied and will comply with the Approved Agency Agreement.
• I am satisfied as to the identity of the person being vetted.
• I have obtained the authorisation of the person being vetted to submit this vetting request as set out in section 3 of this form.
View the Approved Agency Agreement
Agency Representative:
Name: Grace Drollét-Maoate
Electronic Signature
Form Page Break #2
Section 2: Person being vetted to complete and return to agency
2.1 Personal Information
Note: the name you are most commonly known by is your primary name
Family name (Primary):
First/Middle name(s)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth:
Country of Birth
NZ Driver Licence number:
2.2 Previous names if applicable
Please include other alias or alternate names; married name if not your primary name; previous/ maiden/ name changed by deed poll or statutory declaration. Please include ALL names (first, middle and last) for each alias/previous name.
Family Name
First Name
Middle Names
+ Add
- Remove
2.3 Permanent residential address
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4
Form Page Break #3
Section 3: Person being vetted to complete and return to agency
3.1 Consent to release information
The New Zealand Police may release
information they hold if relevant to the purpose of this vetting request. This includes:
a. Conviction histories and infringement/demerit reports.
b. Active investigations, charges and warrants to arrest.
c. Charges that did not result in a conviction including those that were acquitted (not guilty), dischargedwithout conviction or withdrawn.
d. Any interaction I have had with New Zealand Police relevant to the role being vetted, includinginvestigations that did not result in prosecution or were resolved by an alternative resolution programme.
e. Information regarding family violence where I was the victim, offender or witness to an incident or offence.This is particularly relevant where the role being vetted for takes place in a home environment whereexposure to physical or verbal violence could place vulnerable persons at emotional or physical risk.
f. Information subject to name suppression where that information is necessary for the purpose of the vet.
If I am eligible under the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004, my conviction history will not be released
a. Section 19(3) of the Clean Slate Act applies to this request (exceptions to the clean slate regime).
b. Section 31(3) of the Children’s Act 2014 applies to this request (safety checks of core children’s workers).
c. The vetting request is made for the purpose of an overseas visa/work permit and authorises the vettingreport to be provided directly to the relevant embassy, high commission, or consulate.
Please see the vetting website for more information regarding the Clean Slate legislation and what may be released.
The Police Vetting Service may disclose newly obtained relevant information to the requesting agency after thecompletion of the Police vet in the following circumstances:
a. The disclosure of the newly obtained information is justified under the Privacy Act 2020 (if it had existed orbeen available at the time of the Police vet, it would have been disclosed); and
b. The Police Vetting Service has taken steps to confirm that the purpose for the Police vet still exists – e.g.,that I am employed or engaged in a role that required a Police vet.
The Police Vetting Service will take reasonable steps to notify you prior to the disclosure.
Information provided in this consent form may be used to update New Zealand Police records.
I am entitled to a copy of the vetting report released to the agency (to be provided by the agency) and can request a correction of any personal information by contacting the Police Vetting Service.
Please notify the agency or the Police Vetting Service if you wish to withdraw your consent.
For further information about the vetting process, please see the vetting website.
Authorisation of person being vetted:
• I confirm that the information I have provided in this form relates to me and is correct.
• I have read and understood the information above.
• I authorise New Zealand Police to disclose any personal information relevant to my application (as described above) to the agency making this request for the purpose of assessing my suitability.
I have read and understood the information above and consent accordingly. I understand this is an electronic signature.
Full Name
Have you ever lived in Australia?
Form Page Break #4
Section 4: Applicant to complete for Australian check (if required)
Additional Personal Information (for Australian National Police History Check)
Last Permanent Australian Residential Address
City/Town/Rural District
State or Territory
Period of Residence (Start Date)
Period of Residence (End Date)
Australian Driver's license Number (If applicable)
License Issued By
Australian Firearms License No (If applicable)
License issued by
General Information for an Australian National Police History Check
General Information
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) is collecting your personal information in this form in order to conduct a National Police History Check (NPHC) on you. Approved Agencies in New Zealand, named in section one, use the personal information collected on this form and the resulting NPHC as part of the assessment process to determine suitability for the position/entitlement/benefit which you are applying for.
Unless statutory obligations require otherwise, the information provided on this form will not be used without your prior consent for any purpose other than in relation to the assessment of your suitability or to maintain the records of ACIC, Australian Police Agencies,
(Australian Federal Police, ACT Policing, The New South Wales Police Force, Queensland Police Service, South Australia Police, Victoria Police, Western Australia Police, Northern Territory Police Force, Tasmania Police Service)
or NZ Police.
You will be required to complete another consent form for any future NPHC checks.
National Police History Check (NPHC)
A NPHC is an integral part of the assessment of your suitability. Information on this form will be used by ACIC, and Australian Police Agencies for checking action; it will also be used to update records held about you by ACIC, Australian Police Agencies and NZ Police.
Information released may include outstanding charges, warrant information and criminal convictions/findings/pleas of guilt recorded against you that may be disclosed according to the laws of the relevant jurisdiction and, in the absence of any laws governing the release of that information, according to the relevant jurisdiction information release policy.
Limitations on accuracy and use of Police History Information
While every care has been taken by ACIC to conduct a search of information held by Australian Police Agencies that relate to the applicant, the accuracy and quality of this NPHC depends on accurate identification of the Applicant (including aliases) according to the information provided in the Request and Consent Form and the comprehensiveness of police records. If the applicant does not complete the information requirements in this form the success and validity of the NPHC will be compromised.
If for any reason you do not agree with the results of your NPHC, please notify the Approved Agency that you submitted the check through in the first instance, so that the NPHC dispute process can be initiated.
The release of information by Australian Police Agencies is subject to relevant Spent Convictions, non-disclosure legislation or information release policies.
Spent Conviction Schemes
The aim of Spent Convictions legislation
(Applicable Spent Conviction legislation, as amended from time to time.)
is to prevent discrimination based on certain previous convictions. Spent Convictions legislation limits the use and disclosure of older, less serious convictions and findings of guilt. Each Australian Police Agency will apply the relevant Spent Convictions legislation/information release policy prior to disclosure.
The following links may be helpful in sourcing information on Spent Convictions in the Australian States & Territories but may not be relied upon. If further information or clarification is required, please contact the individual Australian Police Agencies directly for further information about their release policies and any legislation that affects them.
New South Wales
South Australia
Victoria Police
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory
Provision of incomplete, false or misleading information
An Approved Agency or Applicant must take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information collected, or disclosed is accurate, complete, and up to date.
You are asked to certify that the personal information you have provided on this form is correct. If it is subsequently discovered, for example as a result of a check of police records, that you have provided incomplete, false or misleading information, you may be assessed as unsuitable.
It is a serious offence to provide false or misleading information in Australia.
Consent to disclosure (for Australian National Police History Check)
I have read the General Information in section 3 of this form and understand that information will be disclosed in accordance with applicable legislation and information release policies (including spent convictions legislation, however described) in the Commonwealth, States and Territories;
I understand that the position/entitlement for which I am being considered may be in a category for which exclusions from Spent Convictions legislation may apply;
I have fully completed this form, and the personal information I have provided in it relates to me, contains my full name and all names previously used by me, and is correct;
I acknowledge that the provision of false or misleading information is a serious offence;
I acknowledge that the Approved Agency named in Section 1 of this form is collecting information in this Form to provide to New Zealand Police to provide to ACIC (an Agency of the Commonwealth of Australia) and the Australian Police Agencies;
I consent to:
ACIC using and disclosing personal information about me in this form to the Australian Police Agencies;
the Australian Police Agencies disclosing to ACIC, from their records, Police History information that can be disclosed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth, States and Territories and in accordance with the relevant jurisdiction’s information release policies;
ACIC disclosing the information disclosed by the Australian Police Agencies to New Zealand Police.
New Zealand Police disclosing any criminal history information about me to the Approved Agency named in Section 1 of this form to assess my suitability in relation to my application;
I acknowledge that any information provided by me in this form relates specifically to the purpose identified in Section 1 of this form;
I acknowledge that any information provided by the Australian Police Agencies or ACIC relates specifically to the purpose identified in Section 1 above;
I acknowledge that personal information that I provide in this form may be disclosed to the Approved Agency named in Section 1 of this form (including contractors or related bodies corporate) located in New Zealand or overseas.
I acknowledge that it is usual practice for an Applicant's personal information in this form to be disclosed to New Zealand Police and Australian Police Agencies for them to use for their respective law enforcement purposes including the investigation of any outstanding criminal offences.
Note: The information provided in this form will be used only for the purpose stated above unless statutory obligations require otherwise.
Applicant’s Authorisation:
I have read and understood the information above and consent accordingly.
Signed in electronic form
Form Page Break #5
Code of Expectations
The Code of Expectations needs to be reviewed and acknowledged every three years.
You only need to acknowledge the Code of Expectations if you are involved with either Launchpad and/or Lifewalk.
If you are involved with both Launchpad and Lifewalk then you must acknowledge acceptance of both.
If you do not acknowledge the Code of Expectations at this time, it will be sent to you separately if required.
Are you involved with Launchpad?
Form Page Break #6
Code of Expectations
It is a privilege to be invited into a school to offer a Launchpad Champions programme. Therefore, we expect all Launchpad Champions team members to abide by the following Code of Expectations:
Become an accredited Launchpad Champions Presenter by:
Completing at least three modules of the online training course
Signing our Code of Expectations every three years
Undergoing Police Vetting every three years
Obtaining a Church Endorsement every three year
Respect and uphold the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Present from a Launchpad (Aotearoa New Zealand) approved curriculum.
Be a committed Christian who affirms the doctrine held by their church/denomination in which they are endorsed. Remaining in good standing with that church throughout the period of their time with Launchpad.
Accept that the purpose of Launchpad Champions is to educate our tamariki about Christian values.
A Launchpad Champions Presenter must not use their position to engage in evangelism.
Present positively. Use language that tamariki understand and not religious jargon.
Acknowledge that there are other worldviews and respect the variety of experiences and beliefs represented among the tamariki in the class (and their whānau).
Always be on time and leave the class in a settled condition. Advise your Team Leader beforehand if you are unable to present, so they can arrange a replacement.
Co-operate with the Principal, school staff, Launchpad Champions Team Leader and Regional Office Staff in every possible way.
Abide by the school’s policies on behaviour management, safety and emergency procedures.
Commit to attending a professional development workshop each year.
Under no circumstances are tamariki to be photographed or filmed unless specific prior approval is given by the school and parents/guardians.
Presenters will not engage in conversation or give an opinion on topics outside of our curriculum.
The child should be directed to speak to their parents/guardians or whānau instead.
Undertaking to be completed in full by the applicant.
• I agree to work in a voluntary position as a Presenter / Helper.
• I agree to comply with the Code of Expectations as stated above.
• I agree to Co-operate with Launchpad through its staff in the National Office.
I have read and agree to these Code of Expectations.
Form Page Break #7
Are you involved with Lifewalk?
Form Page Break #8
Code of Expectations
A Lifewalk Chaplain is a safe, professional volunteer presence in the school; it is a privilege to be invited into a school and therefore we expect all Chaplains to abide by the following Code of Expectations:
1. Become a Lifewalk accredited Chaplain by:
Completing the six-module training course,
Undergoing Police Vetting every three years,
Complete Church Endorsement every three years,
Attend five Supervision groups annually, and
Attend two Professional Development workshop on an annual basis.
2. Carry out the duties of a Chaplain.
These duties will be agreed in discussion with the school, but broadly speaking the role of a Chaplain is to be a supportive presence, listening ear and caring adult in the lives of the school community, as agreed upon between the school representative and chaplain.
3. Abide by all policies and procedures of the school in which they work.
4. Abide by all policies and procedures of Lifewalk Trust.
5. Follow health and safety requirements.
Comply with all relevant health and safety and other laws applicable to the school environment in which they work.
6. Show respect and sensitivity.
A Lifewalk Chaplain must show respect and sensitivity towards each student; regardless of the student’s religious belief, ethnicity, race, or any other prohibited ground of discrimination as set out in the Human Rights Act 1993.
7. Maintain confidentiality.
The parties acknowledge that the Chaplain may not be able to discuss personal information of students with staff at the School, where the student discloses this to the Chaplain with an expectation of confidentiality.
8. Practice appropriate disclosure.
Despite point 7 above; should a student raise a topic of a serious nature (for example: abortion, suicide, self-harm, eating disorders), and/or should the Chaplain be concerned about a student’s health or safety, the Chaplain must inform the appropriate representative of the school, as per the school’s policies and procedures.
I have read and agree to these Code of Expectations.
Form Page Break #9
Are you involved with Seasons for Growth
Form Page Break #10
Seasons for Growth Code of Ethics for Companions
I agree to undertake my role as a Seasons for Growth Companion acknowledging that:
SFG is based on the belief that every individual should have access to support in time of pain and loss. It has been developed to assist children, young people, adults and their families to understand and manage the issues they experience because of significant change or loss in their lives.
SFG is based on the belief that those who participate in the program will, through the sharing of knowledge and development of skills, become more resilient and able to manage in difficult times.
SFG is a quality Australian program that uses an educative rather than clinical process, and is made available to those who most need it.
It is a requirement that the integrity of the program be respected at all times.
During training and after training, I agree to:
Follow the guidelines and processes outlined in the SFG Companion Manual, the Companion Training workshop and the Good Grief website.
Take part in Professional Learning offered by Trainers and Coordinators.
Abide by NZ Child Protection legislation and mandatory notification reporting requirements whilst respecting individual stories and the need for confidentiality.
Adhere to the Privacy Policy below.
Privacy Policy:
Seasons for Growth Aotearoa New Zealand will not collect personal information from individuals unless the information is relevant to Seasons for Growth. This information may be shared with the parent body, Mackillop Family Services and Good Grief. This information will not be used or disclosed to any other parties without the individual’s consent. Any request given to Seasons for Growth Aotearoa New Zealand to have an individual's personal information removed from the National Database list will be actioned within 14 days. This will result in the person no longer being able to work in the Seasons for Growth programmes.
I have read and agree to these Code of Expectations.
Email address
Form Page Break #11
Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to complete these forms. They are an important part of the work you do in your schools.
Please check the highlighted fields